Saturday, October 17, 2009

Decorating Your Home: Some Important Tips and Guidelines

Whether you’ve just moved house, recently acquired a new set of home items, or simply want to re-decorate your home to give it a different feel, there are various ways to go about filling the empty space in your home.

To begin, you’ll want to consider the overall look you’re going after. For instance, if you like the contemporary or minimalist look, you’ll want to choose a very select group of items to furnish and decorate with. On the other hand, if you would love your walls to be full of items to look at, you can obviously choose a greater number of items to decorate with.

You might even choose your decorating style based on particular items that you’d like to use. But no matter what look you ultimately decide to go for, having an idea beforehand will help guide you through the decorating process.

Another aspect to consider when decorating is the “common thread”. If for instance, you’re going to fill your walls with a lot of pictures, it helps if they have something in common - even if it’s very slight. This will help keep you on track with your theme, and prevent the decorating process from getting unruly. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the images in the frames have to link to one another. Something as simple as using frames that are complimentary to one another - with regard to style or colour - can alone do the trick.

Framed pictures aside, furniture items in your home will have a great deal of influence on your decorating theme. From colour and shape to size and style, all your furniture items will contribute to the overall look of your space, so should be chosen carefully. And remember: even small additions, such as lamps, plants, candles, and small decorative furniture items, can make a big difference.

Finally, you’ll want to consider a colour scheme when decorating. One of the most prominent places that your colour scheme can be displayed is in your walls. The colour of a room’s walls instantly sets the mood for that room, before any other decorating items are even taken into account. Making sure that you choose a colour scheme that compliments the look you’re going for will ultimately bring your decorating theme together nicely.

Of course, the more items you fill your house with, the more you’ll want to think about protecting them with home contents insurance. Having a comprehensive contents insurance policy in place will enable you to decorate your house how you wish, without having to worry that theft might one day unravel your efforts.

Ultimately, no one knows your style better than you - so letting your creativity and inner sense of style be your guides will help you achieve the look that you’ve always wanted in your home.
