Saturday, November 13, 2010

Poll finds Britain’s worst home improvement ideas

People looking to undertake a home improvement project may want to avoid installing a built-in bar or a mock fireplace, according to a new poll.

The survey, carried out by Post Office Mortgages, asked what the worst design fads of the last 30 years were, with almost a quarter of respondents opting for the drinks feature as their number one furniture turn-off.

Those who still have an avocado bathroom may also want to consider making changes, as the style featured highly on the list of worst interior fashion trends, along with artex walls and exposed brickwork.

Mike Cook, head of mortgages at the Post Office, suggested old-fashioned interiors could be a crucial factor for homeowners looking to put their property on the market.

"Whilst some prospective buyers will always see past out-dated decor, sellers who still cherish features such as built-in bars and artex walls might want to consider making some modernisations to appeal to the rest," he said.

However, with lower house prices encouraging first-time buyers back to the market, those hoping to move may be encouraged by the report's finding that under-34s are the least likely to be put off a house by an outdated interior or dodgy DIY projects.